The Cross Is Ours To Take

There are times when “accepting” is our only option. When we’re out of choices… we can see we can’t get our way… for now… but we fully intend to when the opportunity arises.

As followers of Christ, however, we’ve chosen to accept to loose.

We’ve chosen to lay down our “own way” and accept by faith His way.

That requires a special strength…
His, not ours.

When it comes to God’s dealings in our lives, our own strength and wisdom aren’t enough to hold us up.

“God’s dealings?”

Christians, the Lord’s greatest blessing for us to accept is the cross as ours to take.

There’s nothing like suffering to test, approve and refine our faith to lay the way for His life to shine through us for the sake of others.

Heb 5:8 – though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered.

  • Mark Saunders