Our point of reference is so important… if it’s wrong then everything that flows from it is also wrong.

Born again Christians, our point of reference is not what we feel, it’s not what we or others think… it’s the word of God.
The word of God is powerful, living and active. It’s never outdated and never irrelevant.
Fashion changes, perceptions change, technology changes, climate changes, politics changes… but the heart of man doesn’t really change…there’s no new sin, no new weaknesses, no new attitudes… nothing new under the sun in that context.
The heart of man doesn’t really vary across culture, class or colour. It is what it is.
God’s word speaks to the heart of man. It speaks a truthful point of reference to those that accept. It’s not a “white man’s Gospel”, and “Jesus’ colour” is not relevant at all.
God is Spirit and His word is truth… a light in the darkness.
The Holy Spirit takes this word and writes it in our hearts. The word of God, written on the tablets of our hearts… this is our point of reference… our source of life and liberty.
- Mark Saunders