Prophecy Of The End Time

“At that time Michael shall stand up,
The great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people;
And there shall be a time of trouble,
Such as never was since there was a nation,
Even to that time.
And at that time your people shall be delivered,
Every one who is found written in the book.
And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake,
Some to everlasting life,
Some to shame and everlasting contempt.
Those who are wise shall shine
Like the brightness of the firmament,
And those who turn many to righteousness
Like the stars forever and ever.

Daniel 12:1-4

If We Don’t Forgive We Won’t Be Forgiven

Forgiveness is not easy and life is not fair.

It tests what our faith is based on… my feelings or God’s word.

There’s an often misused passage in the Bible.

It’s in Luke 6:38 “Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.”

Jesus is not taking about money, but forgiveness. Read it and see for yourself.

What He was saying is that if we don’t forgive we won’t be forgiven. That’s pretty tough.

If I don’t forgive it’s me that’s in the wrong ? That’s doubly unfair in our own eyes.

What do we do?

This is exactly why we need the “road of the cross” and the Holy Spirit to help us walk it.

Jesus is our example, he didn’t resist. He laid His life down and waited for the Spirit of God to raise Him to life and freedom.

The Lord looks at the heart. Perhaps you can’t forgive… but the key is to want to be able to… that’s enough for the Lord to work with.

He never despises a broken spirit and a contrite heart. Ask Him, he will help you.

The cross is the only solution!

  • Mark Saunders