It’s amazing how the ways of our flesh want to keep us chained… captive to its ways… even as born again Christians.

The only way to be free from the flesh is to identify with Christ (the new man) instead of Adam (the old man)
This identification with Christ happens specifically through our identification with his death – not his teachings.
Sorry good people, there’s no other way to live free from the bondage of our flesh other than identifying with the death of Christ.
What does that mean?
When temptation comes, we seek the grace of God, desiring the spirit of God to rise up in us instead of us fulfilling the desires of our flesh.
We’re ready for our flesh (the nature of Adam) to suffer and “die”… to be crucified… instead of fulfilling its lusts and desires.
This “death” needs to happen daily.
Jesus said this… if any one wants to follow me he must deny himself daily, take up his cross and follow me.
Paul described it well when he said “it’s no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me.”
Christians we’re ready to “die daily” to carry Christ’s life instead of being chained to our flesh.
- Mark Saunders