In an instant, years of sin, hurt, insecurity, addiction can be miraculously melted away.
Born again Christians can confirm this freedom from the bondage of the enemy.

But it doesn’t stop there… there’s a road to maturity we need to walk.
This “road” deals with us… who we are, how we think, how we react. It shapes Godly character within us.
This process is often not instant or easy but it’s in this process the “spiritual man” is formed.
The Lord allows situations to happen that test us… that we can even say bring suffering in us… but don’t resist… accept with the attitude of heart that the Lord be glorified through it… by our response and by the fruit in our lives that’s produced from it.
Right here this sounds to many like “another gospel”… but it’s the original work of the cross… that we seldom hear anymore because we’re too consumed by our blessings, books and programmes that we’ve substituted for real Christian maturity.
Today, let’s allow the power of God to work in us… that even through these tough situations the Lord be glorified.
- Mark Saunders