We don’t like to loose. We’re taught to stand our ground and defend our rights.
The Christian life though is a “lost life” if we want to walk in the fullness of God’s plan.
Jesus said he is the way the truth and the life. His life is not just a story, it’s a message, and a pattern for us. His purpose was to do the will of the Father and this came at a price.
The price was his own will. The will of God led him to lay down His rights and position… even His life for us even though we don’t deserve it.
We can expect to be led, like He was, “to the cross” if we want God’s will above our own.

An example …a husband is called to love his wife as Christ loves the Church. See where it’s going..? Even though a husband has a God given authority in his home, we are called to be ready to loose our rights for the sake of our wife. If I want to carry the heart of God for her there’s a price to pay – it’s being ready to “loose my life.”
Being ready to accept the work of the cross did not diminish Jesus’ authority. On the contrary, it established his spiritual authority.
If there’s anything the world desperately needs it’s men to accept the work of the cross in their lives. Being ready to loose for the sake of carrying the life of Christ, to be examples of God’s own heart in their homes.
Here’s the thing – this isn’t works. It’s too hard to sustain if it’s my works. It’s only possible by His grace which he makes available to anyone who truly desires it.
The message of the cross doesn’t make sense to our natural reasoning but truly it’s the power and wisdom of God!
Philippians 2:5
Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,
Ephesians 5:25
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her,
- Mark Saunders